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Peanut Butter Thoughts (Week of June 5th, 2017)

As I walk about during the week, I'm struck with an assortment of random thoughts. Most just flow through my head - in and out - without much conscious attention. Others give me ideas for blog entries. Still others are like peanut butter. They stick to the roof of my brain.

The only way to clear my head is to dump them here.

June 5th:

The British Are Coming! The British Are Coming!

Oh, wait, too late.

Just watched a new show: "The Next Revolution" on FNC, hosted by Steve Hilton. Hilton,47, served as senior adviser to former British Prime Minister David Cameron and is the co-founder of Crowdpac, a non-partisan political crowdfunding startup based in Silicon Valley that aims to encourage average citizens to get more involved in politics.

He is one of several talking heads from across the pond. He's dishing out advice and opinions on how America should be run.

But to be fair, we seem to have a growing number of Yanks all too free with their advice to European leaders.

Don't the World Leaders all have enough problems of their own to focus on? Why should the Mayor of London listen to our President?

Dear Mr. President, Please take care of us Americans. The rest of the leaders in the world can take care of their own citizens without your advice.

June 6th:

Will SOMEONE please make Kathy Griffin shut up? Dear Kathy, I know you believe the whole world thinks about your plight 24/7, but the truth is, no one is giving you a second thought anymore.

You are only weeks away from "Kathy Who??"

June 8th:

Just watched the Comey hearing. I'm broken-hearted over the lack of Godly leadership in our nation. A song by the Gaithers comes to mind. Read the lyrics and think about all the failures of national leadership we are subject to every day:

What this dying world could use is a willing Man of God Who dares to go against the grain & works without applause; A man who'll raise the shield of Faith, protecting what is pure; Whose love is tough & gentle; a man whose word is sure.

God doesn't need an Orator who knows what just to say; He doesn't need authorities to reason Him away; He doesn't need an army to guarantee a win; He just needs a Few Good Men.

Men full of Compassion, who Laugh & Love & Cry- Men who'll face Eternity & aren't afraid to die- Men who'll fight for Freedom & Honor once again- He just needs a Few Good Men.

He calls the broken derelict whose life has been renewed; He calls the one who has the strength to stand up for the Truth. Enlistment lines are open & He wants you to come in- He just needs a Few Good Men.

Men full of Compassion, who Laugh & Love & Cry- Men who'll face Eternity & aren't afraid to die- Men who'll fight for Freedom & Honor once again- He just needs a Few Good Men.

Men full of Compassion, who Laugh & Love & Cry- Men who'll face Eternity & aren't afraid to die- Men who'll fight for Freedom & Honor once again- He just needs a Few Good Men.

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